Employee Assistance Programmes or EAP
How can an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) help?
Between family, finances, work and relationships, modern life can be stressful. Unforeseen events like illness, a death in the family or major unexpected expenses can catch anyone unawares, and make things seem overwhelming. When it all gets a bit too much, some people turn to drink, drugs or gambling to help them cope.
This can result in problems at home, and these will inevitably affect work performance. This downward spiral can however be halted by timely interventions, and that’s where an Employee Assistance Programme comes in.
EAP is a relatively recent development, and it comes from a recognition that problems that originate outside the workplace can seriously affect an employee’s morale and productivity. Of course, it’s rarely a single issue, with work pressures making the personal problems harder to deal with, and vice versa. Ultimately this can become a Human Resources issue, costing the company further time and money.
Someone to turn to
Historically, people would have been more likely to turn to friends or family members for advice or support, but nowadays these close bonds may not be as strong as they once were. This can lead to people feeling isolated.
For many people, their colleagues become a surrogate family due to long working hours, and this again can contribute to a breakdown in the separation between work and personal life. The nature of the problems that can arise – from financial worries to divorce or bereavement – are rarely confined to an employee’s personal life. They are likely to impact on their work performance, and professional problems then exacerbate personal issues.
Managers could well be aware of the problem – an employee who is drinking heavily, or is depressed, for example, may not be able to hide this sort of issue for long. Workplace training can help all employees to identify when a colleague is really struggling, but at the same time, most employees will probably lack the counselling skills required to make a real difference.
Problem Solving at Work
EAP can help break this vicious cycle by giving employees access to confidential, short-term counselling to address their specific needs, and help them to find solutions before their problems begin to snowball.
It’s vital that any EAP provides a safe space for employees. The kind of problems that EAP helps to address can happen to anyone, at any stage of their life or career. A supportive, non-judgmental environment is vital – and employees need to have confidence in the absolute confidentiality of the process.
Trained EAP counsellors can also make an informed decision about referring an employee for additional help where they feel this is necessary. The aim of any EAP is to help employees get the assistance they need – not just as a temporary fix, but to help them resolve problematic situations and become a happier, less stressed and more productive team member again.
For an Employee Assistance Programme to be truly effective, it needs to be seen in the context of a holistic Corporate Wellness scheme. THE people company can provide all the necessary components of a complete wellness offering, either as intermediaries for the relevant products, or in partnership with specialist programme providers.
If you’re interested in implementing a meaningful corporate wellness programme in your organisation, talk to THE people company today. Our comprehensive range of corporate wellness services could be just the medicine your firm needs.
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