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Nampak Pensioner Presentations
View the important dates and times for the Nampak Pensioners Sessions in 2023 Date Time Province and Nampak Plant Street Address TPC Consultant On-Site TPC Consultant Virtual Virtual Link 15 November 10:00 to 11:30 Gauteng • Nampak Head Office *On the GPS...
Efficient Medical Scheme Clinic
Join us for our Efficient Medical Scheme Clinic on Tuesday 16 November 2021 | Time: 11:00 AM (GMT +2). Register Now.
WEBINAR: Employees Can Retire Well Clinic
Join us for this LIVE WEBINAR on Tuesday 9 November 2021 Time: 11:00 AM (GMT +2). Register Now.
Covid-19 (Corona Virus) Everything You Need To Know!
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
The Impact of the Health Market Inquiry on Brokers and Clients
The final Health Market Inquiry (HMI) report was released on Monday, 30 October 2019. This report is the result of 5 years of work and an extensive consultation process.
National Health Insurance – What you need to know
The proposed National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill seeks to transform the South African public and private healthcare landscapes by providing universal healthcare.
Discovery Health Day Surgery Network
Knowing your health plan cover well and being network-savvy can help you make the most of your health benefits. So, take a little time to know your cover. You may be surprised to see how convenient it is to use networks and the extra value you get.
Fund and Risk Salary Less than 100% – Before You Decide…
Many employers allow their retirement fund and group risk arrangements to be implemented using salaries equivalent to less than 100% of their employees’ actual salaries.
The Success of Health Insurance Loyalty Points and Rewards Programmes
Given the pros and cons of loyalty schemes, how can the success of the rewards programmes offered by leading health insurers be explained?
You are your biggest asset!
It’s time to recognise that you are your most valuable asset! If you were unable to work, either short- or long-term, would your family be provided for? With income protection cover, they could be. You insure your house, your car and your life – shouldn’t you insure your salary too? Learn more about income protection cover.